Vom Karussellpferd zur Raketenbahn

Vom Ursprung der Karussell-Ritterpferde, bis hin zu den Schlicker- und Raketenbahnen, erfahren sie mehr über die spannende Geschichte des Karussellbaus. 

Pioniere der Volksfestkunst


Buch "Vom Karussellpferd
zur Raktenbahn"





Fehlende Zugriffsrechte - Datei 'http:/demo.joomlashine.com/joomla-templates/jsn_vintage/images/content/template-details/menu-styles/rich-menu/menu-mainmenu-rich.png'
Fehlende Zugriffsrechte - Datei 'http:/demo.joomlashine.com/joomla-templates/jsn_vintage/images/content/template-details/menu-styles/rich-menu/menu-mainmenu-rich-settings.png'
Fehlende Zugriffsrechte - Datei 'http:/demo.joomlashine.com/joomla-templates/jsn_vintage/images/content/template-details/menu-styles/rich-menu/menu-mainmenu-icons.png'
Fehlende Zugriffsrechte - Datei 'http:/demo.joomlashine.com/joomla-templates/jsn_vintage/images/content/template-details/menu-styles/rich-menu/menu-mainmenu-icons-settings.png'
Fehlende Zugriffsrechte - Datei 'http:/demo.joomlashine.com/joomla-templates/jsn_vintage/images/content/template-details/menu-styles/rich-menu/menu-mainmenu-rich-icons.png'

On top of this page, you can see live demonstration of Rich Menu. Icon Arrow Up

With this menu system you can attach icons and add descriptive text to each menu item making them much clearer and visually appealing. The best thing is you can use the default menu module built-in Joomla!, no need to install external menu modules.

Menu items with descriptive text

JSN Vintage allows you to present menu items with descriptive text placed on a separated line at the bottom of main text.

Main Menu Rich Text

To setup text strings you need to go to menu item settings and add symbol combination “(=) as separator between primary and secondary text.

Main Menu Rich Text Settings

In the example above text “Home” is the primary text and “Lorem ipsum dolor sit...” is the secondary text. Separator between them is the symbol combination “(=)”. Really simple and elegant solution.

Menu items with icons

JSN Vintage allows you to assign up to 20 predefined icons for items in main menu.

Main Menu Icons

To setup icons, you need to find template parameter Main Menu Icons and choose any icon you want to display from drop-down panel.

Main Menu Icons Settings

Combination of descriptive text and icons

You can use combination of descriptive text and icons to get Rich Menu in it's best presentation.

Main Menu Rich Text combined with Icons

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Freunde und Vereine

Historische Gesellschaft Deutscher Schausteller
Deutscher Schaustellerbund e.V.
Förderverein für das Karussell im Staatspark Hanau-Wilhelmsbad e.V.
Welcome to the National Carousel Association!
Schausteller - Wir machen Freizeit zum Vergnügen!

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